Last updated: 27th of July 2020. See older version from October 2019 here and here.
See the bottom of this page for explanation for these updates.

1. Information that is needed for becoming a member

S.K.V. Hercules (can be further called: the association, we and us), makes every effort to protect your privacy. In this privacy statement, we will explain how we handle your personal details. We process personal details in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Since S.K.V. Hercules is an association that is officially recognized by the University of Twente (can also be called UT onward), we collect and use information while making use of the Privacy Statement made by the UT. When people fill in the registration form, they declare that they agree with the privacy statement of the association. 

We can collect the following information for member administration purposes:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Address, including: street, house number, city and zip code and country
  • Email address(es) (possible to provide both your educational- and own email)
  • Phone number
  • Educational institute’s name
  • Educational institute’s student-/ employee number
  • IBAN (and sometimes a BIC number for non-Dutch bank accounts)
  • Registration number
  • Signature for SEPA mandate (for direct debits, Dutch: incasso’s)

2. Digital and non-digital data storage

The association uses this information to get payments, contact you about activities or a digital newsletter, other organizational information, and for mandatory administration in the UT’s Student Union. The information is only accessible to people from the current and upcoming board. The personal information will not be distributed to third parties besides the mandatory Student Union administration. The digital information will be protected on encrypted auto-updated servers and access is only provided to the board members with multiple factor authentication for administration purposes only. Any non-digital information is stored in a physical safe locked by a numerical code. 

After you resign from the association, your information will be stored and protected for two years. Then all personal identifiable information will be destroyed, and only stored statistics for that year will remain (e.g. the amount of members). Keep in mind that the association has to store financial information for at least 7 years, as required by Dutch (tax) laws.

3. Website and social media

Besides the information mentioned above, it was decided to ask permission to post photos and videos for promotion purposes (e.g. on social media: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and on the website including TransIP where we have a GDPR data processing agreement with) with the use of a consent statement for data processing. The statement has been distributed among the current members and gave the possibilities to agree or make objections. If people would make an objection about certain information being shared, we gave them the possibility to tell the board physically or by (e)mail (contact details are on the bottom of the website), to delete this information. When wanting to delete your personal information that is used for administration purposes, you have to resign as member and request that your data is destroyed immediately. This can be done by emailing us, or approaching one of the board members.

As an association, we declare that we never pass on personal data to other parties with whom we do not have concluded a Data Processing Agreement.

When using the website of the association, there can be some analytical measurements. This information can include IP addresses. This will never be shared with third parties. The website can store cookie information, this is only being used for functional purposes, e.g. for logging in of the website, and storing personal preferences of the website.

Any questions regarding your personal information or this policy can be mailed to us by:

4. Declaration of consent concerns data processing

We would you to inform about the association, sport activities,offers, etc. for proper functioning of our association. Further, we would like to publish game/ training schedules, results and sometimes audio and video materials from you on the internet, apps and social media. If you agree with this from, you give us permission to use your data theretofore. 

If you accept the declaration of consent, S.K.V. Hercules (further: (the) association) gets the permission to process the data. 

4.1 Permission is given to the association for the data processing given below:

  • Approach me for sport activities from third parties, for example other sport associations or social service providers.
  • Publish audio and video material from me on the internet: TransIP, our web hosting at the UT, and social media: Instagram, YouTube and Facebook.
  • Make my name available for other members in a closed online environment where it is also possible to keep track of your progress during one of the trainings, comment and like other member’s progress.
  • To approach you for a special event, or reunion after the termination of your membership.

The declaration of consent only counts for the reasons, data and organizations given and described above. For new data processing you will be informed at least four weeks in advance of the execution of the new processing. You will have three weeks after publishing of the new data processing to object. If an objection has been lodged, the new data processing have to be approved at the general member assembly. 

A declaration of consent can be withdrawn at any time. Keep in mind that you can always contact the board to remove certain personal information or photos that are shared on social media. Contact details can be found at the bottom of the website.

5. Online My Hercules environment

In the Online My Hercules environment it is possible to:

  • Track your own progress of one of the trainings, optionally share them with other members.
  • Comment/ High Five (like) on other member’s shared progress
  • Look at our awesome pictures & videos that are made during the events and trainings
  • Register for events and pay them online
  • Perform a registration to become a member fully online.
  • Pay for membership contributions, events and merchandise through our payment provider Mollie.
  • Login to the environment through Google and SurfContext (can be further called External Sign-In Providers)

5.1 Sign in by Google

For convenience of logging in/ registration of the My Hercules environment it is possible to sign in by Google. We will then collect the following information:

  • Full name
  • Email address

5.2 Sign in by SurfConext

For even more convenience for a fully online registration it is also possible to sign in by SurfConext. This way we can collect more information, just as convenient as signing in to your UT or Saxion account. This also provides us for more mandatory information for the UT’s Student Union, so you don’t have to fill it in. We will then collect the following information:

  • Full name
  • Educational institute’s name
  • Educational institute’s student-/ employee number
  • Educational institute’s email address
  • Educational institute’s affiliation (e.g.: (pre-)student, employee, faculty member, other affiliate)

5.3 Explanation of data used & stored that is collected by External Sign-In Providers

The association uses this information to contact you about activities a digital newsletter (when agreed) and other organizational information. The information is only accessible to people from the current board, upcoming board. Besides this information can be accessible by specific members of the Web committee for managing the authentication to My Hercules, e.g. when having trouble to login or register. The personal information will not be distributed to third parties besides the mandatory Student Union administration. The digital information will be protected on auto-updated servers and access is only provided to the board members with multiple factor authentication for administration purposes only (e.g. inform you of event updates).

It is always possible to unlink your Hercules account from the External Sign-In Providers, to make it impossible to login with those accounts. However we still store the data provided, this information is needed for our administration of members. When wanting to delete your personal information that is used for administration purposes, you have to resign as member and request that your data is destroyed immediately. This can be done by emailing us, or approaching one of the board members.

6. Online Payments

It is also possible to pay for contribution, events and merchandise online for example in the My Hercules environment. This is done by our payment provider Mollie.

If you choose to pay your contribution online, it is also possible to store your payment information, which we can use for direct debits (Dutch: incasso’s).

Physical merchandise can be obtained by one of the board members or a merchandise committee member during a training, or can be sent to your address that is known in the member administration.

7. Questions?

Any questions regarding your personal information or this policy can be mailed to us by:

Update 27th July 2020:
Updates: member administration information.
Added: Online My Hercules environment to track your own training progress and from other members, event registrations, fully online member registration, pay for membership, events and merchandise by the payment provider Mollie and optional possibilities to login with Google and SurfContext)